In my head about NIPT results


So I am on my 3rd and final baby and I will love it no matter what, but I'm in my head.

I already have 2 boys. I didn't do the NIPT test with my first but I did with my 2nd and it was 100% correct. About a 2 weeks ago I had it done at 11 weeks with this baby and the results came back as a girl. Naturally I was in disbelief and excited.

Well today I decided to dive deep into the world of the Internet and tiktok and I saw many videos about how the blood work said one thing and the baby was the opposite gender at the ultrasound or birth and now I'm in my head.

I know I can't 1000% confirm it until the ultrasound is done at 15 weeks (2 weeks from now 😭) and even then I know there's a 50/50 chance at seeing babies gender because from my experience some babies are stubborn and shy, but I don't want to overthink it and ruin my excitement.

Maybe it's because I'm in disbelief?

Someone give me some words of encouragement please 😭