Newborn gas day 3

My daughter is 3 days old. She is breastfed. The 2 days in the beginning were going fine where suddenly now day 3 she’s being gassy and fussy. She won’t take my left breast which is making me engorged. I don’t know if day 3 engorgement is a thing as I looked it up. My right breast is still somewhat fine but when it gets soft she won’t take it? I don’t know what to do. She doesn’t have her pediatrician appt till tomorrow and before that I have been suggested to not give any gripe water or drops. How can I relieve her pain? I have tried all the burping and she won’t lay flat in her bassinet too. She wants to be held in my arms half of the day. Any suggestions on what I can possibly do? I am a second time mom so I am aware these things can happen. But when she cries, I worry.

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Posted at
bicycle legs! and frida windis, only if needed, you don’t want baby to depend on them, but keep trying your left side, offer it every single time she eats, she’s likely not taking the right side when it’s “soft” because it’s harder to get milk out, the more milk out, the more your body makes


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Have you tried "farting" her? You can get videos on youtube. We had to do that with my son when he was newborn


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I’m a second time mom and I worry about these things as well, it’s okay. Make sure to burp her regardless of fussiness, my newborns pediatrician said for up to 20 minutes on your chest or shoulder, 20 minutes sounds long but you want to make sure the gas is gone. Walk around doing it if you need to. Also hand express while your nipple is in her mouth if she’s refusing to latch while it’s soft, that may help her stay on. If she refuses the boob that is getting engorged start with that boob before she becomes fussy on her next feed. Pump the boob that’s engorged if it’s bothering you. She’s most likely fussy bcuz she hasn’t burped. You will see a change in her fussiness once you get her to burp more.


Posted at
I found with my daughter that bouncing on a yoga ball or something helped relieve gas. Also, if you can bicycle her little legs gently that can help. Hope she gets some relief ❤️