How to get over gender disappointment ?


Im here to vent. Please, don’t judge me! I got the NIPT test done at week 17 and just found out today (week 20) that we are having a baby boy! All symptoms, belly shape, gut instincts, heart rate, nub theory, Chinese calendar and wives tales indicated girl. I’m not going to lie, I felt so sad and just cried! I have a 4 year old son already (to which all wives tales, Chinese calendar, and heart rate were correct indicating boy). I just dreamt about having a baby girl. My partner and I were really thinking things were different this time around. Now, I’m not mad or sad at having my boy, I’m just sad that chances of having a baby girl in the future decrease or fear of not being able to have a baby girl. Idk just been an off day for me and I feel bad feeling this way because I love my baby, and we actually planned him and made him with a lot of love! Just going through some gender disappointment. I have my anatomy scan at the end of the month which will confirm gender. But still, can’t help but feel sad! Any words of encouragement you ladies have for me?? Thank you in advance!