People invited themselves to my 21st Birthday

So my 21st Birthday is coming up and it’s on a Thursday. I decided I wanted my celebration ON my birthday because I know my boyfriend doesn’t work that day and I have the day off as well.

He planned most of it and our plan was to go to dinner, bar hop in the city, and then stay in a nice hotel.

I don’t have many friends so I invited two of my outside friends and then I told him who from his group I wanted invited. A little backstory….

My bf has a friend group with his coworkers and the girlfriends/fiances/wives all hang out with the guys too. It was awesome because it was us three girls and the rest of the guys.

If my bf was working and the group was going out the girls would invite me and vice versa. Recently they’ve been hanging out more and haven’t been inviting me to anything. My bf has even texted me saying “are you going out with them?” And I’m like “no I wasn’t invited.” Because the girls didn’t invite me.

I openly told my bf I didn’t want them to come to my birthday and he agreed but did mention that if he invited one of the guys that the girl would probably end up showing up. Which is whatever.

The girls had the audacity the other day to call me and merge the call (so I knew they were already talking before calling me) and asked me if I could move MY birthday celebration (that one of our friends had already gotten the day off) to Friday because they didn’t get Friday off. I said no. They then asked why one of the guys mentioned it and they weren’t in the loop. I awkwardly laughed and said “yeah I don’t know.”. Then they said I should’ve told them because “you know how the guys are.”

I didn’t want to be mean and tell them I didn’t want them to go. I talked with my bf after and he had said that one of them WAS in fact told about it already a while ago.

It’s just frustrating because I wanted it to be special but now it’s just gonna be another hang out where I’m left out of the group. I just didn’t like the way they talked to me on the phone.