AITA? Kids keep hitting our windows with their basketballs/soccer balls

I just need to vent/rant. Ever since we got these new neighbors next door last year (prob around August/Sept) it’s been nothing but problems. From them constantly parking their cars in our parking spot (each house has an assigned numbered spot that is included in our rental), which we finally got cleared up with property managers help, to the kids hitting our windows with their balls and arguing with us when we tell them to stop. They’re such disrespectful little assholes to be honest. The parents nowadays don’t raise these kids right. There is one particular kid who is probably 14-16yrs old that always wants to come at me and argue when I tell them stop hitting our windows. Today it happened again and there were two whole adults out there that could’ve told these kids to stop but they didn’t. The first time they hit the window today my partner said the one kid just looked at him through the window and started laughing and dancing around (while the adult was literally right there). Then I came downstairs and it happened again so I looked out and the two adults at first made apologetic gestures and I was willing to let it go UNTIL that one shithead that likes to argue with me started making disrespectful gestures at me acting confrontational so I went out and said something. Of course him and the adult woman there want to play the “oh why are you arguing with a little kid” card meanwhile this kid is calling me the N word and being a shit human being all together. I’m not a woman of color but even if I was it wouldn’t be okay to be calling me that anyway. Like where is his mother?? Last time this happened I told him to go get his mom cause I’d happily talk to her instead but he wouldn’t.

Anyway, my partner came up and said to stop it’s not worth it we’ll just contact our property managers again and report it, which we did. As soon as he said that we went back inside and a few minutes later they all dispersed. My partner said he saw the woman that lives next door leave the house through the front altogether.

We’re pretty sure there’s like 3 families living in the 3bdr house next door to us and that the particular lady isn’t even technically suppose to be living there and they definitely have way too many kids and adults living there that the property managers don’t even know about. I’m not going to bring that aspect up to the managers cause I’m not going to be the one responsible for a bunch of kids losing a roof over their heads, the adults living there will surely end up doing something on their own to cause that to happen anyway, they are just those types of people.

Anyway, property managers were notified of the situation and told me that if I happen to notice where the kids live that I just need to let them know the house # and they will contact the parents to issue warnings. I feel like I shouldn’t have to be the one to find out where these kids live cause it’s honestly just giving creep vibes, you know? I vented to my mom about it and she said next time to not even go out and say anything, just record them and call the cops. My issue with calling the cops is that some of these kids are minorities and we all know how cops treat minority kids in this country and I don’t want a kid to get hurt or worse by a racist cop even though there’s never been reports of anything like that happening in our area.

AITA for contacting property managers about the situation? We have a 1yr old and soon to be newborn baby who could be seriously injured if one of these days they do break our window. It’s our living room windows and we have a small 815sq ft house so my 1yr old is often near a window cause his playpen and jumper are right there.

WIBTA for calling the cops next time?

@K: my mom and her husband said the same thing about me overthinking it. They said not to feel bad because whatever happens happens and it’s a consequence of their actions and their parents problem. I just can’t help but think too much about stuff like this. I tend to think of every worse case scenario. I thinks it’s my ADHD that’s the cause of that. My MIL is getting us a lightbulb camera thing for our porch light to record any future incidents as well so if it does happen again, it’s all recorded in real time and we can send it to the property managers and/or show to cops for proof.