Husband lashes out while grieving


My husband just lost his 95-year-old grandmother; the funeral was a few days ago. Since he received the news of her passing a week ago, he has been lashing out into rages mostly directed at me but sometimes in relation to our 3yo daughter. For example, immediately after the funeral, we were walking to the car and my daughter tripped and fell and skinned her knee. She was crying pretty hard. I immediately scooped her up to console her. My husband flies into a rage. He was holding my purse for me and began throwing objects all over the ground from my purse while he is cursing “why do you have to act like a f@#%ing child?!” in reference to my daughter crying about her knee. Later that evening after he stormed off due to something else, I approached him and asked how he was doing and expressed feeling upset at how he handled our daughter skinning her knee. He immediately began berating me. Since then, we have had intense arguments every night, each one started by him. It feels like he is intentionally picking fights with me and I don’t know how much more of his lashing out I can take. It’s like walking on eggshells in the house. I want to support him but I don’t feel like it’s ok for him to treat me or our daughter this way. For reference, he has had anger issues for years which has been a source of stress in our marriage but the frequency and intensity right now is almost unbearable. I’ve suggested therapy and couples counseling to him before and he refuses.