My identical twin girls are here months early! Born 29weeks


This is Cadence and Remi they are perfectly stable breathing on their own with cpap to remind them born weighing 2.01 & 2.1 lbs their heads are 25&26 cm!

I was the second C-section of the day not only did I preterm rupture my membranes last week on Monday the 12th I also had igur in remi and marginalized placenta insertion (they weren’t attached to my placenta properly) they stopped growing two weeks ago and at my ultrasound at 8am I could tell something was up from the techs face. I had the doctors in my room saying it was delivery time so fast!

Traumatic experience is an understatement every emotion and thought ran through my head all the “what if this what if that”

I even made them knock me out half way through my C-section as I was hyperventilating that badly and so worried about my girls and wanting them to be safe…

My care was botched in the beginning of my pregnancy and the ultrasound techs etc did not diagnose me properly for my pregnancy so I didn’t receive 26 weeks of proper care! My girls are good and safe but I wanna make sure other mommas advocate for them self as I wonder if I did and questioned everyone would I still be pregnant rn??

Anyways I literally cannot wait to hold them but I know we have a long road ahead of us as well so I’m just hoping all for the best these are one of the very few pictures I have of their faces without a cpap on! They are sooo much alike