🤦‍♀️.My mother told me having a baby will help with my relationship....

I an my partner been having problems. I work he doesn't. He is trying find a job. One of the things that me an him argue about is him doing the house chords especially for the fact that he his home. I work 5 days a week. I get two day of Thursday an Saturday unless I get call in. I have to stand all day. I work retail. These maybe two day I get off I like to sleep an get my feet up.the way it is I don't really feel like I have day off. Because usually I'm the one having to clean the house. Do everything because he doesn't do anything. Well last Friday we got into it about the house work. Because our house is kept fairly clean. So practically twice a week all it takes is less than 60 minutes. One a month I usually do a deep clean. I finally went completely off on him. When i completely off on him I told him that I was tired of seeing dishes in sink that since I am only home for 2 days an sleep most of the time there should be no dishes especially a pile as if 10 people live in this house. There's only two people here. there should just be two cups two bowls but there's like every single cup an bowl that we have in our cupboards half the time in the sink . even have a dishwasher so that could be filled up. Every time I have to tell him fill dishwasher take this clean out put the dirty in. He will literally throw a hissy fit when I ask him very nicely to just rinse down the shower an scrub where All the bottles are at in the shower. getting him to do anything that involves just a simple task would usually end up in a hissy fit from him. this is where I know I get bad at because I tell him he a 30-year-old man throwing a hissy fit like a 15-year-old. I tell him I know kids that are younger than 15 that can do a better job cleaning they will do it without complaining.. I go to work on Friday. I come home I go to sleep I wake up on Saturday didn't get called in lucky. On Saturday once again I woke up counters were sticky 🤢 the sink was full. I woke him up an told him to get out to that kitchen clean the counters get all of the dishes into the dishwasher .I'm fed up was done with all of his childish ways all his hissy fits because of the fact that on Friday there was no dishes when I went to work .The counters were cleaned. So because I woke him up at exactly 11:30 am when he didn't work he hasn't done anything so he had nothing to complain about getting up at 11:30 am He's lucky I'll let him sleep in that late. It's usually even on my days off I don't work I'm up at 6: 00 am or 8:55 am. on Saturday my mother decided to go to laundromat near my place because they have bigger washers that allow her to wash her blankets. Because she was there she wanted my husband an I bring her something that we had it at our house of hers well I stayed home told my husband to go do whatever an give that to her. My husband's been gone for maybe 25 minutes. My mother calls me says what's going on? I was very confusing like what do mean? She was like well your partner walked in the doors looked very upset . Me being very irritated already because of the whole situation . She tried telling me that oh are you guys fighting again I didn't say anything to her until she's like you need to learn to communicate to him without yelling or screaming. First off I have communicated him without yelling. I have asked him before I went to work like hey babe could you please just pick up the area a little bit come home nothing's done. The one day I gave him a list of five things to do that would have taken him barely 20 minutes to do it all they were not done. We have sat down had conversation after conversation about what I'm expecting him to have done or be done before I get home. Because like I always say it takes two people to keep the house clean when there's two people to clean the house. She again tried to input that she knows how I can get Yes you know how I can get but the same time in My head was thinking lady You are a hoarder . you live in rats nest an your horder .Your house smells terrible You're 35-year-old son who can't clean up for himself lives on your couch.he is a terrible person who cannot clean up after himself. He uses his brain issue as an excuse for why he's being a jerk to everybody an why he can't lift fingers to help clean. I did not say any of this to her I kept it in my head because I knew what argument it would have started with her I didn't want to deal with that. She continued on like well if you had a kid it would be messy .I don't have a kid I have a 30-year-old man who acts like a kid. she's like well don't you want to have kids? This is the first time I've ever admitted it to anybody besides myself. I do not care to have a child! Why would I bring a child into the situation....that's when she said well sometimes having a child could change someone it may help your relationship!!!¡. I froze for 5 minutes. this is what I let slip out of my mouth. I'm sorry mother I'm not like half of your family that had kids used their kids to stay together or continue being a toxic relationship Just because they had kids. Child should never be used as a Band-Aid to try a fix something. We cannot fix it or find a solution why the hell would you think a kid would do it . She said okay understand . She got off with the phone with me 3 hours later my husband comes back calm down .we sit down talk a I told him that I expect on days that I'm not home that he does a little bit of the housework . if he doesn't do it then I'm taking a whole 2 weeks off of work to clean the whole house head to toe. Well Monday morning he scrubbed the floors in both bathroom and kitchen. I'm very proud of him. Cuz I didn't actually even have to ask him to do any of that. the reason why do a lot of cleaning is because when we first moved into our place we had roaches we were living there for 3 months .we started noticing them coming out of different areas. We couldn't find their nest It turned out their nast was inside our fridge on the back of it. You know how gross it is when you move your fridge an you see all these disgusting roaches coming out. every week I have to check behind every single thing just to make sure they're not back or hiding somewhere else. I have to re-put all the stuff because after a week some of the stuff goes away so I have to put it back because if they come back I at least I know I tried to get rid of them before I have to call back bug guy.