I need an outsider’s opinion

I want to start off by saying that I have anxiety and depression which developed from childhood trauma, I am not currently taking any medication for it due to breastfeeding. I struggle with my mental health daily but I have good and bad days. My husband and I have a two year old and a 5 month old. When my second child was born we decided it was time for me to quit my job to stay at home with our children. Though I want to be home with my children, I do feel like I have given up a huge part of my life by quitting my job and adapting to this new lifestyle has been quite challenging for me. Before our first child was born, my husband and I were extremely close and never left each others sides. When my son came along, my husband put most of the responsibility of our son on me. Even though I took on most of the night feedings and took care of him 90% of the time, anytime I asked for help he would catch an attitude and make me feel guilty saying that he works a physical labor job and does not have the energy even though I was also working at the time. By the time my son turned 1, I had built up a lot of anger towards my husband feeling like I carried all the weight of the house and parenting on my shoulders. Trying to talk it out always resulted in him immediately arguing and trying to turn the blame around on me. Since having my second child, it has gotten a lot worse. I do not ask him to help with night time feeds for our baby except occasionally on the weekend if it’s been a long night. Now my husband has started playing video games every evening with his friends. Generally he gets on when I’m trying to cook supper so then I’m left to juggle the kids and supper with no help. He will eat supper with us but leave the table before me or my son even finishes our food to go back to his game and plays until 3-4 am on the weekends. When I try to ask a simple question or speak to him he snaps at me. He has grown so cold. He never asks me about my day and hardly talks to me. This often results in me crying or having a panic attack with then makes him angry because he says I’m too emotional. I feel like I’m walking on eggshells at this point, I’ve talked to him about this on multiple occasions and he has admitted that he says and does mean things to me and feels guilty about it. He always says he is just stressed and is trying to get better but never changes. I am so hurt at this point I feel like I’m suffocating, has anyone gone through this? Could anyone offer advice? Is it just me, am I just too emotional?