Can you get the spark back?

Been together since we was 16. Now in our 30s and have 2 children a 12 yesr old and a 4 year old. Were on the verge of breaking up as neither of us are happy. He i feel expects a yes woman and to live in.a fairy-tale where they kiss cuddle and have regular sex. I have 0 sex drive i am very unhappy with how i look. I feel stressed out 90% of the time i clean work cook clean same thing day in day out but its life. I feel like my children an unhappy home and ive fully focused on my children. I dont often find him attractive because im stressed out and feel hes so moody. Last thing i sex. He sees everyone else around us happy our parents how they are so in love but were not. Ive explained neither have children, neither have money worries they do what they want when they want. Im not happy and whu i dont know do i want to work on things i dont know. I worry for my children and feel like i make it very miserable for them. I dont have friends i am alone i dont feel happy and cannot remember when i last was. I do nothing for myself but i dont care about that. He just says he wants to feel lived wants a wife who wants to cuddle and kiss