C- section Preparations

Alexandra • BA of Arts Degree Dog Momma 12•01•2019 Eric 03•05•2021 Aurora - May 11•20•2022 Izabella 05•02•2024 Wife 04•03•2021

I’ve got my C-section scheduled for May 10.

This is our third (and probably) final baby, we’ve had two natural deliveries - our first leaving me with a 3rd degree tear & our second leaving me with a 4th degree tear - so a natural isn’t in the cards for this one, unfortunately.

My husband works in the rigs - and will not be home for the C-section, as no one is able to fill in for him (which sucks - but it is what it is) HOWEVER my Mom will be coming with me.

What are some things I, personally can do to prepare, for the C-section itself - as well as the recovery?

What are some things my mom can do to prepare as my support person in that room - I cannot imagine how difficult it would be to see your daughter cut open while lying on a table 🤣