Has anyone had a gastric?

I’m thinking heavily on trying to get one!! My dad had one last year and is down 100 pounds. I have gained so much weight since having my son 13 months ago. I was 260 when I gave birth and I am 309 now! I have never been 300 pounds before and I feel so sick over it. My issue is we want another baby and want to try again when my son hits 2 years.. but I think you have to wait 2 years and then I’m scared it wouldn’t be affective after that. I don’t feel healthy enough for a pregnant as is. Exercising has been a terrible journey where I’m so heavy now. I did a 30 crunches for 30 day challenge I got to 4 days and my back went completely out, I couldn’t walk for a week and my mom had to help with my son & that was super depressing! I couldn’t even lift him up. When my back healed I thought I can do some simple arm exercises with some weights of my husbands and guess what? My shoulder is so messed up now! I’m so unhealthy my body is rejecting anything good for it. I know this summer I will be able to do more like go for walks and swimming but I’m just so ready to get rid of some weight! I have PCOS & diets never seem to get me anywhere without being really physical too :/ any advice is appreciated!