I don’t know if I want to be with my child’s dad anymore


Even typing this makes me feel sad. I don’t know if I want to be with my son’s dad anymore. I’m 26, our son is almost 2 and we have been together just about 6years. I love him but I’m not in love anymore. Sometimes I catch myself thinking about what life would be like apart.

It feels so selfish to have a baby and then decide I don’t love his dad the way I used to. His family has been talking about being engaged and it’s made me realize maybe I don’t to be with him at all.

We don’t fight much, more bickering. He really is my best friend and he is an amazing dad. The love is just different over the past year. I don’t know what to do or how long I wait to see if it comes back. I keep trying for my son but I’m afraid my feelings won’t change and he will more effected by us separating the older he gets…..