am I a narcissist ? Long but please read

I met a guy and started talking about a week after my previous relationship had ended… I told him I wasn’t ready that we could just be friends he’s 20 (I’m older than him if that makes any difference) we started seeing each other every time he would bring up being something I told him no I don’t want to get my feelings involved but he started caring for me, gifting me things, kissing my forehead, kissing my hands, telling me how he felt about me I told him I was scared this wasn’t going to work out and he said it’s messed up what people have done to you in the past I would never do that to you , also while he was doing this he would say hurtful things aka.. I see why your family is disappointed in you, you don’t have anything to offer me you lucky I love you …. 2 weeks ago he became distant I tried by all means to get his attention and nothing, 2 days ago I sent him a good bye text and 7 hours later he texted back that he missed me just to not respond at all to me saying I miss you too I called and told him you can see I have fallen in love with you… and he said now the roles had changed and he no longer likes me, that it was my fault and now I had to live with that but he said we can still be friends that he cares about me and that he doesn’t want to cut me off all of a sudden… idk what to do is this my fault? How do I fix it ?

Edit: I started talking to him in January not to long ago.. I understand it’s not real love… I’m trying to stay way but it’s soo hard… it’s like he knows what to say and when to say it… I haven’t slept more then 3 hours at night…. I keep saying it’s my fault… but I don’t understand how do you go from I miss you one night to I don’t care the next morning I asked him and he said all that doesn’t matter anymore you were the one that said maybe this wasn’t gonna work (I was scared of getting hurt) I now see you were right… this was the last conversation I said we can be friends but let’s stop with the mixed signals… he sent me a song that says “ I love you but this is best for both of us, maybe in a different universe we could make it work” … after this he send a TikTok, I replied lol and that was it