Extreme short cycle+early ovulation!!??


I am so confused what’s happening!!??

I have 27-29 day cycles and I bleed 4-5 days, twice I’ve had a shorter one 24-25 days. I usually ovulate around day 13-16 (ovu-tests).

One previous cycle I noticed a pinching, like a small lightning sensation in my left ovary around ovulation. When I visited the OB she confirmed I had indeed ovulated from left side recently. Some cycles I feel what I have identified as ovulation.

NOW - this cycle I started LH-testing a few days earlier to keep track due to travel and noticed a LH rise on day 10 but I didn’t catch the actual positive peak, but I thought it must have been somewhere day 10-11, meaning I probably ovulated day 11-12.

On Tuesday this week (cycle day 20) I started bleeding red, a smaller bleeding for 2 days. I’ve had a 2 day bleed once before but not this early. Nothing on Thursday but I felt pinching and lightning bolts in ovaries during the day. On Friday I had dark brown spotting when I wiped, continued pinching sensations same as ovulation, which is strange on day 4 on this new cycle, so I took ovu-test and saw result that looks like 1-2 days before ovulation. Today Saturday, levels have been rising with each one of the 3 LH-tests I’ve taken so far but no peak positive yet. Maybe next one will be. But can I really be ovulating already tomorrow, day 6?

This is crazy!! Does anyone have any experience going through something like this???