what’s the right thing to do?


so lately i’ve been going through a rough spot. especially with my boyfriend.. we broke up or took a break whatever about 3 weeks ago because we’ve been stressed out and we take things out on each other and we believed space would help with that. note, we’ve been together for 3 years. i am 22 and he just turned 26. there are times that i feel like im not really ready to settle down or give up socializing with my friends in order to fit his expectation of what he wants me to be. and he’s expressed he also feels like he wants to be free sometimes too but that changes frequently as he says he wants us to grow together and make each other better which i think is beautiful but i think sometimes it’s okay to grow on your own and there are things we need to work on within ourselves on our own time. it can’t be forced or the process can’t be sped up just cause that’s what we want. so.. sorry this is getting long.. like i said we broke up for space but he’s cried to me and expressed he wants to try to work it out and accuses me of forgetting the past 3 years and wanting to give up just because im not sure how to go about things. i don’t wanna lose him but i don’t think i should have to give up growing on my time or giving up seeing my friends. what do i do?? what is right?? i feel like i can feel both sides and hurting him hurts me but i also wanna make the right decision for myself. is seeing my friends really more important than a possible future with him?? and i know me and him have a beautiful relationship he really does makes me better.. and i really love him very very much but im so confused