Why threaten me?


I just got out of the shower and noticed my husband was already asleep… or so I thought he was. So I said “dang you’re already in bed sleep?” He responded to me, then asked me what was wrong. I simply said “nothing, I just wasn’t expecting you to be in bed sleeping already. You didn’t give me a chance to come to bed, nor did you say goodnight to let me know you was going to bed.” He gets upset and said “If I get the fuck up it’s not going to be pretty for you.” I said “excuse me? Why are you threatening me because I said I wasn’t aware you was going to bed?” He said “you was taking to long and I wasn’t sure when you’d be in bed….” YEAH… because you made me get the kids in the shower BEFORE I got in the shower. 🤦🏻‍♀️ I go to bed the same time he does. Tonight was delayed because I had to get the kids in the shower, dressed for bed, books read, then shower myself. This doesn’t make it right to threaten me because I simply said I wasn’t aware he was already in bed!

Am I wrong? If I am, please correct me, but seriously? This to me does NOT need a threat of violence towards me. And before you ask how do I know it was a threat of violence… because he’s done this before and it was literally violence. 🙄🤦🏻‍♀️

Don’t tell me to leave… I don’t want to hear it. I CANT leave at this time.