Single mom’s insight


Hey there mamas. Reaching out to all the single moms out there.. I have some questions…

- how do you work?

-do you send children to daycare, get a babysitter, or have them stay with family?

- are you stay at home mama with a remote job?

-how hard is it really to be a single mother?

-do you have full custody or 50/50?

-do you allow your children to still have a relationship with their father if possible?

I’ve been thinking about leaving my children’s father.. if you look at my other post you’ll see why… titled 10 years.. it’s a long read but.. yeah that’s the story..

Today we did have an argument and he said to stop asking for money and to get a job.. mind you I am a sahm and 19 weeks pregnant..

I told my mom about it and she asks me how I would be able to do it solo.. I said there are single moms that do it.. so I’m just kinda askin yall for some insight on how you ladies rock at it..?

Thank you in advance..