PCOS and Adenomyosis

TW: mention of miscarriage.

Does anyone have both PCOS and Adenomyosis? I was diagnosed with PCOS and had success having 2 little boys on isoflavones and metformin, I have tried again with the isoflavones and still take metformin.. I am currently in my tww to see if I’ve successfully conceived again but 2 years ago I got pregnant (accidentally) on birth control and it resulted in a miscarriage (I wasn’t taking metformin at the time either) and they had to do a d&c due to the blood loss after that I ended up getting diagnosed with adenomyosis and I’m just wondering if anyone has had any success getting pregnant with both PCOS and adenomyosis?

What worked for you? I am scared to conceive again because I know the rate of having another miscarriage now will probably be higher 😔

Baby dust to you all ✨