Am I overreacting ??


I’m sorry for the long story, I’ll keep it as short as possible. My children’s father and I split up 6 years ago, we co parent our kids who are 15, 11 and 8. We are both in long term relationships and for the most part things run smoothly. I’ve done my absolute best to stay friends, even suggesting all getting together for new years, bonfire night etc because I thought it would be nice for the kids,, to which my ex and his partner have refused every time. That’s their choice. Last year I suffered 2 miscarriages and at Christmas I was told by them that they were having a baby, which wasn’t planned and an abortion was considered. I didn’t take this news very well but composed myself after a few days and actually got excited that my children were to have a new baby sister. I even bought the baby gifts. Roll on tho 3 weeks ago and I am 10 weeks pregnant and early scans show all is progressing well 🤞. I get a call from my ex stating that their newborn baby is very poorly with whooping cough but they have asked a doctor and there is no risk to my unborn as our children had been around the baby. I’ve done all I can to make things easy on them while their daughter has been so poorly. Last weekend it was the children’s turn to be with him and as the baby was home and settled they said it was fine to have them. They stayed with his mum on the Friday night and then come Saturday afternoon I had a really vile txt from him stating how selfish I am, other vile names and how he never wants to speak to me again,, because I apparently sent our son there with a cough. I must stress that when I dropped our son to school Friday morning there was absolutely nothing wrong with him, he stayed with his man that night and then was picked up by his dad Saturday afternoon. They said I sent him there with a cough on purpose knowing their baby has whooping cough. I’m sooooooo upset by this, I’ve been blocked by them and all their family,, all week I’ve been crying over this and can’t get it out of my head. For the record they both smoke 20 a day each and she refused the whooping cough vaccine while pregnant. Am I to blame? Am I overreacting?