Who should pay on a date?


Hiya guys i just want people’s opinion in this as its really annoying me. Im 20 F and im in a relationship with 30 M for the past 5 months. Ive found a really cute place to go on a date a place we would both enjoy and because I’ve just gotten paid I have offered to pay for the meal for the both of us as he is going away with his family soon.

Ive offered to pay because im the one that found the place and its a little more pricey then what we go for but i want to treat us both. We usually take turns paying for dates.

However people are really putting me down saying he should be the one to pay it feels like a lot of people still have the mindset that the man should always pay and it’s really getting to me and making it seem like there’s something wrong with my relationship.

Thoughts?? 💭

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