When did you start to physically FEEL pregnant? Like back hurting etc?

When did y’all start to actually “feel” pregnant? Specifically if you’ve had multiple babies/pregnancies. I’m 17 weeks 1 day with my 3rd baby, I notice I’ve started to feel pregnant way sooner with this one compared to my other 2. Like my lower back has been hurting so much since around 14 weeks and now this week my hips have been hurting and I’m having horrible heart burn can’t get comfortable in bed. All of these things I never experienced with my other 2 until the end of the second trimester/going into the third trimester. Like around 17 weeks with my other 2 I would legit forget I was pregnant until I felt them move lol I feel like this is gonna be a long miserable pregnancy and tough on my body😵‍💫😮‍💨 I’ve never felt this bad this early

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