4 days of hell this week

Sunday you flipped out about not finding your spare glasses in the other room. Throwing boxes around, spilling stuff, punching the boxes.

Monday you flipped out about the collections bill, your vision insurance and about the talk with my parents. You almost made me cry in front of the vision works employees.

Wednesday you flipped out about me telling you to get ready. You told me you hated being rushed although I was ready and you still didn’t have a shirt on, a hat on, or shoes. I told you I wanted to grab ice cream from our favorite shop to have a mini date. I was excited…and you ruined that. Stormed off when we fought and you got yourself something.

Thursday/Today you flipped out because I expressed how I didn’t like your delivery on telling me how to drive your vehicle. You yelled so horribly at me and I sat there and took it all. Didn’t respond back to you.

We have a triple date, a movie date and a party to attend this weekend…I personally don’t want to. Not with you. Because you’ll ruin it. Like you have been the whole past few weeks. You’re an asshole and I don’t like you right now. I don’t even wanna be around you. Let alone have sex with you. I wanna be left alone for a week. Go out, stay at a friends house…just leave me alone…to my own thoughts….