Vulvar Biopsy Results

After I gave birth it seems i didn’t heal properly, it created what my obgyn thinks is granulation tissue, after two yrs of giving birth I finally have that obstetric laceration removed, minimal and short surgery, what she removed was sent to pathology as Perineal Vulvar Biopsy and it came back as : LOW-GRADE SQUAMOUS INTRAEPITHELIAL LESION (VIN 1). RADIAL MARGIN INVOLVED. P16 IS NEGATIVE ON IMMUNOHISTOCHEMICAL STAIN.

I am 40 yrs old and never tested positive for any STDS in my life and now i am so scared, confused, worry, because all this happened after I gave birth and that perineal scar s/p obstetrical laceration “granulation tissue”…. can anyone share their thoughts!? another obgyn told me it means pre cancerous and likely from HPV but it doesn’t make sense to me, i have never been diagnosed with any stds in my life😭 I will see my obgyn/surgeon on Monday since she still needs to remove one stitch from the surgery😔