Nipple Discharge when not pregnant??


Okay. So I'm 32. My husband and I have no kids, I've never been pregnant to my knowledge. We noticed yesterday that when squeezing my nipples, a liquid comes out slowly. What the heck is that? My husband said it tastes sweet. He's a weirdo for tasting it. Has anyone else had this? My period was supposed to start yesterday so I'm one day late but thats pretty normal for me to be 1-2 days late or early every now and then. I have the Paragard IUD for birth control. I just wanna make sure I'm not freaking out for no reason. UPDATE: I've been Bleeding for 7 days. My period usually lasts 5. My doc appt with OBGYN is in 2 days. Nipples still doing that thing when squeezed. SECOND UPDATE: Yall my depression medicine Latuda has lactation as a side effect. smh, lol. I got everything else tested, including prolactin levels and everything seems fine.