Does it sound like I’m over-feeding my son?


My son is 4.5 months old and I’m very new to breastfeeding, I exclusively pumped before and had a big oversupply which I’ve been working on dwindling down to a more appropriate amount. When he feeds, he often falls asleep and will keep nursing (though much gentler) for a long time. I know he’s getting milk because I hear swallows. Usually he doesn’t stop so sometimes I’ll try to switch him to the other side because I’ll think he wants more. But he almost never will take the switch, he wakes up and screams when I try. I thought at first that maybe he was just mad I woke him, but he is pretty hard to soothe and I’m wondering if it’s because he’s in pain from being too full. He also spit up a couple times today which is super abnormal for him.

Is it possible for him to eat too much in his sleep?