Im scared to have sex again

GRACE Lilith • Previously Lilith DV survivor

This is embarrassing but it happens so ugh. I found out I had a yeast infection BY having sex. We were doing it and I was like “oh my god we have to stop I am burning.” I didn’t have any symptoms at all until that night I had sex but I think I had it for a WHILE without symptoms because, well I went to the doc and got diagnosed, and I am on my second round of diflucan (the oral medication they give you for yeast infections) because it didn’t clear it up the first round which was 2 pills 3 days apart. The infection has made me extremely physically sick, with throwing up and back pain and fatigue. It wasn’t just internal in the vagina like they usually are, I had to get anti fungal cream from the doctor so you can imagine how absolutely miserable I’ve been. It is just now stopped burning when I pee, and I’m not itching and burning like I was so it’s clearing up.

I know yeast infections typically aren’t sexually transmitted, but I know men can get them, and knowing I had sex with my partner while I had one worries me so much that I’m about to finally clear this yeast infection and have sex and get one again. How can I be sure he doesn’t have it? Will it present itself on man’s body? HE says he feels fine and I’ve looked at it and everything and it looks normal but maybe it’s not presenting because he’s a man? I don’t know