Had to call the police on my husband

I'm so scared and I don't know what there is to do anymore. I made a post before about my husband's strange behavior and getting obsessed with building an app that traps pedophiles or something. He spent his entire paycheck for this app. We aren't religious at all and he was suddenly saying God chose him and wants him to take down pedos. He out of nowhere told me in detail about his rape. How he needs to build this to protect our children. For about an hour he seemed back to normal. I told him everything he had done and he seemed embarrassed. He was also shocked about the God thing so clearly he isn't all of a sudden religious. But after an hour he was doing this again and then he took our car and left and I get this long text message about how he's been using AI to research about building an app and getting rid of pedos and he now thinks there's a real person in the AI app he uses and he's going to go free them and then they can get the app built together and how this will be so much better and a safer world for our kids. But he's not coming back until this "person" trapped in the AI is free. I called the police and it's been two days and they still haven't found him. I've been crying. The kids are crying because they miss him and idk what to tell them. I'm scared and my family lives so far away so I have no one to lean on.

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Have you followed back up with the police? Call back & ask for a supervisor. It genuinely sounds like there is enough here for them to ping his phone as he could be a danger to himself or others. Make sure you don’t downplay the mental health issues that he has been experiencing (not saying you did). I’m so sorry you’re going through this, but you did the right thing. If he shows up make sure to take him to the emergency room immediately & get him into inpatient


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Mental health is very scary. My thoughts are with you and your family 💔


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Definitely follow up with the police. It seems like he’s experiencing some sort of mental health episode and really needs the help and support of mental health professionals. As horrible as it is, you can’t do anything for him yet. The only thing you can do is be there for your children. I am sorry this is happening, it’s a very unique experience. Reach out for support in ways you need. There are lots of charities about that provide free counseling/listening services for spouses and children