Human trafficking. Would I be wrong or petty to get my bd arrested?

My bd is a deadbeat who has not given a single dollar to my almost 5 month old and just randomly shows up at my house. I have wanted to make a report of harassment for showing up at random days, hours, even intoxicated at times to my house demanding to be let in. To avoid more problems I let him in so I wouldn’t be taken seriously. Why do I let him in? I feel like I would be a shitty mother who’s denying my daughter the right to meet her father even if it’s for a few minutes.

He has a past of trafficking people from the border to their destination here in the states. He was in the news back in 2021 caught with immigrants in the car. He was in jail for half a year, taken to court, and eventually the case was dismissed for not having enough proof. The victim said he was being held hostage until the full quota was paid. I forgot what lies my ex said but he was able to lie his way out of it. The victim was saying the truth. During this time he was my bf, the person got asylum, my ex was set free etc. End of story. I should have left but I didn’t.

I ended up getting pregnant last year. He did the unimaginable to me during pregnancy. He made my life HELL. After my daughter’s birth he continued to disrupt my peace. He didn’t have any compassion for me or my daughter so I do not have any compassion for him whatsoever. On the contrary I hope he pays for everything he did to me. He doesn’t want to be a consistent dad (sees her once a month) and he doesn’t want to leave us alone either.

He decided his life is a shit hole and decided to go back down south and continue human trafficking except now he is picking them up from the border to San Antonio TX. I tried to convince him not go fuck up his life again and tried to make him see God gave him multiple chances to redo his life yet he doesn’t learn but he didn’t want to hear me out.

In his phone he has a video (sent to him from the top head) of Central American immigrants lined up saying they’re waiting to be picked up by my ex. He’s still in NY and has not booked his flight to Texas yet. Would I be wrong I put in an anonymous tip? Would I even be taken serious? I don’t have proof except the texts of him saying he’s going for a month and this time nothing can go wrong since he has experience already. He showed me the video on his phone. This would be perfect and just what I needed incase he ever tried fighting custody for my daughter. He doesn’t give a single penny and I denied him the right to be on the birth certificate. I do believe he’s petty enough to file for partial custody if I ever decide to legally file to child support. At the end of the day I have to what’s in the best interest of my daughter and I. If that means getting him arrested then so be it.

* I would like to add, all these immigrants pay to go through this. Central Americans and Mexicans pay 12k to be crossed and dropped at their family’s doorstep.