

Hello everyone

I’m 8w6d I’ve had multiple ultrasounds (one just yesterday) & baby looks healthy and happy, heartbeat is 175, everything in utero looks perfect. But since the end of August I’ve been spotting every single day, it’s never heavy enough to go into a pad but it’s always when I wipe. I ranges in color from dark brown to bright neon red, nobody from the ER to urgent care to my OBGYN has done a physical exam, only ultrasounds.

I did have a UTI which I was on antibiotics for and am now complete from those over a week ago.

I’m freaking myself out with worry about it myself, we know baby is okay and there is nothing on any ultrasounds showing anything in utero or effecting the baby.

Has anyone else experienced something like this?

What should I do at this point? I have a new OBGYN I’m going to see because I don’t feel like my current is listening to my concerns but everyone just keeps saying “it’s normal for 25% of women during pregnancy”

Please any words of comfort or advice are welcome