If men won't take this test they ain't worth your time

We women are taught we need to be men's therapist. It is our job to fix broken men. Well not anymore ladies. It is time for us to feel empowered. People may not like my methods but you will thank me later. I want to know what I am getting into on day one of meeting a guy. I need to know what baggage he is coming with. I encourage you all to do what I do. My tips is to go out in a low stress environment like a coffee shop. Talk for a min and tell him for your peace of mind you would like him to take a trauma test. You can get PTSD tests online. That way you know what they've been through and how it's affecting them. I don't want no trauma baby. I need me a trauma free, masculine man. Some will look at you like you crazy. Some may get offended. But in the end it's not about no man's feelings. I'm doing. My homework. I had a man on a date ask me and say "Even if I have been through any of this stuff on here, why would I tell this to a woman I met off tinder in a first date?" You know what I told him? It is his job as a man to prove he is worthy of me. If he's truly healed from his trauma he should have no problem putting it out on the table. I need to know what I'm getting into and if I'm wasting me time. He left. That shows the type of man he is. This may sound crazy but I promise you ladies. Follow my tips and your unwill find a man who is worthy with no baggage💅💅💅💅

Edit: I love how none of y'all ladies can form a constructive argument. Stay with traumatized man babies. Y'all probably deserve each other