I don't want to be married anymore

I'm no longer happy in my marriage. I haven't been happy for a long time but the longer it goes on the more resentful I become. I can't even save money to leave because I had to quit my job and he's the only one working. I feel trapped. He's absolutely lazy and I feel like I'm having to take care of another child. I have to nag him to do literally anything. I try my hardest to keep our home clean and tidy but with 3 boys it's nearly impossible and with a husband that does not help makes it even harder. I'm so frustrated and constantly in a bad mood. I'm tired of being broke all the time. When I was working I had money and now that he's the only one working he dictates every penny that's spent and I hate it. I want better for my children and I don't want them to grow up the way I did struggling but my husband refused to do better for his family and just settles for these nothing jobs with no room for growth. I find myself regretting marrying someone with no ambition because now we just struggle constantly. I envy the women whose husbands work hard to provide where they don't have to stress about not working. I was planning on going back to school to make more money and have a career and I literally cannot work or my children will lose their insurance. I feel so helpless and hopeless and if I was at least in a marriage with a partner who was a decent partner it would be tolerable but I'm not.