Concerned and confused


I found out 12 days ago that I was pregnant and am around 4 weeks and something and Saturday I began to have some red bleeding and I got scared and went to the ER where they did a blood test and my HCG was at a 47 so they wanted me to come back in on Monday for repeat bloodwork but the draw lab was closed due to a level 3 snow emergency in my area. So I went back to the ER but mostly because I’ve been having even more bleeding with quite a bit of discharge and some small clots. I haven’t really had any cramps and any I do have are not bad and they are random. I just have some uncomfortable back pain which I’ve been having for like a week now. When I got my bloodwork back my HCG was at a 40 so it dropped down 7 in two days. They want me to come back Wednesday for some more bloodwork to check my HCG. The doctor told me that I may still have a chance but that it is not looking good and that I am probably miscarrying but will know more of Wednesday. My real concern is that I’ve had miscarriages before and they were painful and we’re not drawn out like this one is. I’m not really bleeding excessively, I’m not filling a pad. I’m not in pain. Why is it drawing out like this? Is that normal?

Adding TMI pics to the bleeding I’ve been having the past two days