lowest mental health point 😚


hi, i’m not really one to post but i’ve learnt that sometimes expressing thoughts to others and just writing it down will help a little bit. i’m only in my early 20’s but i feel like ive reached a new low for my mental health. it feels like life just keeps hitting me with one thing after the other. Some days i feel like im doing better and that im okay but then either later that day or the next day it feels like i just get hit by a truck. every night i lay awake for hours overthinking and spiraling, making me feel crazy unless i medicate myself to sleep. i just wish there was an “off” switch for the brain so i dont have to keep hearing all the thoughts in my head. i have more intrusive thoughts than ever and everything that im feeling is affecting myself, and my relationships around me. my close friends can tell im not doing good but i feel like im alone and dont have anyone to really talk to about it.

i do have a therapist and i know they’re trained for just this but i feel so crazy. crazy like im losing my mind and i know the lack of sleep isn’t helping. i started taking ashwaganda and have other vitamins i take as well and i i go to the gym to help but it just feels like i make no progress at all. it feels like im still where i am 4 years ago but worse. i’ve been trying breathing and mind exercises as well as some grounding exercises to try and get a grip of myself but i still just feel like im spiraling. it’s not that im going to self harm but sometimes i wish i was in a coma

if there’s anyone who’s felt somewhat similar things, when does it get better and what helped you?