So Mamas, what's the funniest/cutest thing your LOs have done?

Laurie • Our beautiful baby born 18th Nov 2015. Baby #1.💙💙💙
Today my LO peed in his face! He just stared at me like what...why is my face wet, then burst into tears! And he also kept losing the breast and continues to suck my stomach like nothing has happened!! I couldn't help but laugh at both he's so damn cute. He's only 7 weeks so I'm sure there's many more to come and it's only going to get funnier!! What's your stories?? 
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My LO is doing this thing where he fake cries and then looks at you to see if you notice. So like we'll be sitting and he'll be fine and all of a sudden, you'll hear "WAH!" And then he'll look at you. Cracks me up. He also did this super cute thing when he was taking a nap. His pacifier came out of his mouth and he couldn't get it back in. But it was close to his face so he just started licking it 😂😂


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My LO cracks me up when he's hungry! Especially the first few weeks...his hungry cry (before he gets angry if he doesn't get food as quickly as he'd like) starts out as a a squeak/grunt then is just short spaced out bursts of "wah" with a wide mouth. I feed him in football hold, so when I put him to the side sometimes he'll stiffen out his body and legs, pushing against the back of the couch and lengthen his neck (like a turtle)and have his mouth open wide with an occasional "wah" and I can't get his mouth to my boob. Lol


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My daughter is in the phase of I only want mommy, unless daddy is going to walk around with me. She will scream bloody murder if he sits down, as soon as he stands up she's perfectly content!! She will also only poop if daddy is holding her (which is hilarious!!) she's almost 10 weeks old. 


Laurie • Jan 11, 2016
Haha oh bless her! Mines just started crying for his daddy this week! It makes me jealous 😂