
Kaleisha • My husband and I are pregnant with my first. Due September 7th 2016. I can definitely say I'm excited and scared art the same time. I can't wait look my baby in the eyes and watch him smile back at me

So this morning I woke upto the WORST headache ever!!! It wasn't a usual headache like a tension headache that puts pressure on your neck. It wasn't even a migraine. It was pulsating pressure on the left temple.. It honestly felt swollen to me and touching made it even worse. I read online that pregnant women can only safely take Tylenol, so I took one and decided to go to work. thinking it would help. Unfortunately that didn't work at all. I tried a cold ice pack, hot towel, drinking water, just in case I was dehydrated. And nothing!!!

The head ache lasted from about 7am until 12 pm until I finally realized what it was. It was a caffeine headache!!! I haven't had any caffeine since I found out I was pregnant, ( I'm about 6 weeks) but today I had a nice big cold can of coke and my headache went away almost instantly. I was having a caffeine withdrawl.

I know caffeine is bad but how do I prevent situations like this. I can't afford to miss work and the pain was almost unbearable!! I even went to the employee lounge and layed in the dark with my ice pack for about fifteen minutes... I wasn't able to focus or barely keep my eyes open.until I had that wonderful coke Any suggestions???