My husband disgusts me.

Haven't had sex with him because he disgusts me (this is not the only reason but pretty much the main one) I know he skips showers and by that I mean he will go 4 days without showering, his hair is always flaky and smells gross, he doesn't smell terrible but he smells more stale like, if I ever go down on him (which I haven't done for months and months) it smells and tastes gross makes me want to puke! We just moved apartments and I bought new toothbrushes I started using the blue on but we never talked about who was going to use which color so today after 7 days moving in and buying the new toothbrushes I ask him which one he has been using in case we both chose the blue one and he told me he hadn't even used one yet 😷😷 omg! I told
Him straight out that that's disgusting. I don't want to hurt his feelings and tell him however I have made efforts to hint to him by encouraging we shower together, buying him his own soaps and face wash, last week I even told
Him he needed to take a shower! He told me that if I thought he smelt bad to let him know so he can shower I'm like dude just shower every day or every other day. I have to constantly tell him to clean his hands he walks around with dirt under his nails. Eugh just had to rant be chase the toothbrush incident pushed me over the edge! Iv been feeling bad that I haven't insisted sex in such a long time
But it just seems disgusting to me!