Seriously fed up with....

Does anyone have parents that tell you what to do with your own children?? I do. My mom is the worst. When my daughter (6) goes over and spends the night, i ALWAYS ALWAYS get a text from my mom saying how unhappy my daughter is at our house and how she doesnt want to live here. And also how its not healthy for her to be here. Like wtf. All because my husband and i argue, its not healthy for my daughter to live with her mom and dad?!?!??! when i ask my daughter, she says she didnt say that and she is happy. She makes me feel like im the worst mom ever and i cant do anything right. Today, our daughter had a basketball game and she didnt play at all. She said she wanted to quit. I NEVER encouraged her to quit at all. But that is what my mom told my in laws. My parents expect her to play and not quit. Our daughter didnt say anything about quitting until last this past thursday after practice, even though she has had lots of practices and this is her second game.i dont want to force anything on her. Then my dad told me to give her a consequence if she quits so it gives her a life lesson. I encourage her to keep playing and tell her how good she is (yes she is good) and so on. When she stays over at their house, my mom always gets mad when i come get our daughter and tells me she doesnt need to go home, or asks if she can stay longer.

I am so tired of them telling me how i should raise my daughter and what i should do with her and so on. I dont know what to do.

What do you all think if this? I need advice / thoughts aside from my in laws and husband.