Guilty about formula.

🙈🙉🙊 • Mom to 2 amazing little boys.
My 3 year old got breast milk for 6 months. I exclusively pumped. He had a very painful latch, so pumping was my last resort. I wanted to breast feed his brother so desperately, but once again, painful latch. I told myself before this one was born that I wouldn't stress over breast milk again. Well its all I've done for the last almost 3 weeks. His latch is even more painful. I've seen 3 lactation specialists. So I decided to pump again. It's not even been 3 weeks and I just can't do this again. I've already had more issues than I ever had with my first. Clogged ducts, and now severe thrush. I'm in pain all the time, and I can't stick to a pumping schedule with a 3 year old and a new born both vying for my attention. I have to stop. I NEED to stop for my own sanity, and so I can bond with my infant. I just feel so guilty about going to formula. Like I'm doing a great diservice to my son. I have zero issues with women who formula feed. As long as that baby is being fed! Am I right? So then why do I feel so shitty? I started weaning today and it's just depressing, but I know it's really the best choice. I just wish I had a more positive outlook.