My amazing water birth

Went into labor on my own at 42 weeks, 1 day. Labored at home for 3 hours then headed to the birth center. My midwife never "checked me" once, she could tell where I was at based on the sounds I was making. I labored on a birth ball with a rice pack on my back for about 15 minutes and spent the rest of labor in the tub. I pushed for approx 30 minutes and even got to see the water break with a big push. I reached down and could feel the head. My midwife told me to stop pushing and let the head stretch everything out for a bit. I didn't think I could do that but I did! Finally a few more pushes and head was out, shortly following baby was born. I reached down and caught my baby and brought it to my chest.  I spread the legs and it was a GIRL! I got out of the tub and delivered the placenta in the bed minutes later. Baby girl Fairen Rae was born 8lbs, 10oz and has red hair like her big sister.  "She believed she could, so she did." What an amazing experience.