AF is late but I don't think it's good news 😔

✨Sarah✨ • I`m 29, married for 6 years (together for 11!) and TTC #2. We have a gorgeous 5 year old girl who is starting kindy soon
Had my mirena out exactly 7 weeks ago. Exactly 4 weeks ago I got my first AF in 6 years (due to pregnancy and BC) and all signs indicated I ovulated on CD14 (except BBT, cos I hadn't started). Now it's CD29 (usually 28 day cycles) and no AF. BFN 2 days ago, and have had PMS. I guess I'm sad/worried cos it seems to indicate that my cycles haven't returned to normal which I thought they had :-( it's pretty common for it to take a few months to regulate but I'm impatient! If I'm not pregnant now, then bring on my next fertile window so I can start trying again!! 
Is there any chance I could still be pregnant with a BFN 2 days ago? I doubt it but I'll take anything that will raise my spirits! I started BBT a week ago and my temps have stayed higher than average, but as I said I wasn't doing it before then (only got my thermometre then) so I don't have a baseline... Maybe I'm always a bit high?Â