I'm going to remove my Fibriod

Serbrina • Married June 23, 2012, been TTC since we got married. Had a misscarraige 2/23/2015, trying not to give up hope.

My husband and I went to the doctors on Tuesday because I have a large lump that is very noticable just by looking at me. I knew I had a fibriod, but I had no idea that it had grew to that size. It takes up my entire lower abdomen. So my doctor said I need to get it removed and this is most likely the reason I am having such a hard time getting pregnant. My doctor said I can't do it with microscopic because it is so large in size, and he said I would have to wait a year after the surgery to TTC again 😒 I told him I want to schedule the surgery ASAP. I had an ultrasound yesterday and now I'm just waiting for him to call me so we can schedule. I am so scared to have surgery but I want a child so bad I will do anything.

Had anyone had this surgery and conceived right away after the doctor cleared them?