Butt head boyfriend

Tyler • I'm Tyler! I'm 18. High school graduate. Musician and player of many video games 🙃
Anyone's SO have habits or say/do things that make you cringe inside? He bites his nails and hearing it hurts my insides because I have long nails and can't imagine them being ripped off via teeth.
He's never had stretch marks and I have them and he always touches them. Not being rude, just does it. But I'm self conscious about them and it makes me mad haha
He doesn't like when I don't shave my legs but I literally don't care. My legs hair doesn't get prickly! It's soft so I don't shave unless it's summer time. He thinks it's weird lol
I'm not very girly and I fart around him but he farts ON me. That's just asking to be broken up with.
I love him very much because he's my bae 😍 he's a turd and he's my turd