She just pisses me the fuck off

Do you have that person? The one who is your friend but you just can't help that everything she does is perfect. The person who breathes and gets her every fucking wish? If so maybe you and I can relate. Well she is my cousin. And her parents are pretty rich and her husband let's her be a stay at home mom. It's like ever since I can remember any thing I thought I wanted she just had it. Right about the time we turned 11 was when I noticed it the most. I know I probably just sound super bitter, which honestly I'm becoming very bitter. How do you handle seeing someone so close to you have every dream come true while you struggle to get your husband to get off his video game to spend time with you?! HELP I'm going crazy, I don't want to hate her she was my best friend but I just can't get over the facts I'm so tired of feeling like I'm drowning while she just rubs her perfect life in my face every day! 😭😭😭😭😭😭