First Appointment...A Surprise Story

Vanna • TAG 9.26.16
My husband and I went to our first ob appointment yesterday morning. We had been anxiously waiting for this day since our BFP. The pregnancy up until this point hadn't felt "real." I have only had mild nausea, and my breasts have been very tender. My doctor was doing the ultrasound, and asked if my husband wanted to come over and see the monitor. He turned the screen to both of us, and says "There's your baby!" I then feel him move the wand inside of me, and he goes "there's the other baby!!"
Did anyone else burst into immediate tears when they found out it was twins? My response to the doctor was "are you fucking serious??!!" My husband laughed. His mom has been telling him his whole life that since he was such a bad kid (middle child syndrome), he was going to have twins just like him. 
A little side story about his family: his dad is a twin, and his grandma didn't know she was having twins until the second one was coming out. My husband has like 15 or 16 cousins on his dad's side, and not a single one has had twins. We are definitely going to a hit at the family Christmas party this year!