TMI, but- Help! Hard lump under labia.

Hey! I have a question if anyone can answer. So I'm 14, I'm a virgin, but I was taking a shower and felt a strange lump under the skin of the labia. I can move it around its not stationary, and it's not super hard but then again it's definitely not soft, as far as soft goes. It feels like there may be some liquid inside... It's not a pimple (gross) but it's about the size of a pea. It's extremely uncomfortable but it doesn't exactly hurt... What is it? Any one have think kind of thing before...? It's not from my underwear nor is it an ingrown hair. It's on the inner folds of the libia (the fleshy part. Gross.)  (Ps, Just tell me if you need anymore information on it...) all of this is so gross I'm sorry... 😶