Need some helpful advice

Chelsea • I am super excited to be pregnant with my second child!!!!!
My two year old who is allergic to eggs and is lactose intolerant. Has had bad diarrhea for two weeks and today has started complaining about his tummy hurting. I have no money until Friday anyone know any home remedies. I have tried the brat diet and it got better but then regressed. This also started when he got a new teacher who is just horrid and has already been caught lying. She is mean and horrible to the kids I have issued complaints and met with the owner but was given the run around. I am worried she is giving him dairy to get back at me but I have no proof. I am working on getting him somewhere else. my other question is could his diarrhea be stress related because of how horrible and mean this teacher is? I am waiting for his pediatrician to Call me back but can't turn off my worries. Has anyone else had this problem?