I know this sounds crazy but...

I am a FTM and am delivering in the hospital, hopefully naturally. I miscarried at home at 12 weeks May '14. I have an old, sweet female basset hound who stayed with me pacing the floors and sitting right beside me while I miscarried. She is a rescue from a puppy mill and was Level 5 heart worm infected when we adopted her so she was not spayed for awhile and would go through awful heats and then false pregnancies, I would even have to milk her so her breasts wouldn't mastize. She helped me so much through my miscarriage and is my shadow now that I'm pregnant again, even experiencing symptoms with me. I would absolutely love to have her in the hospital with me, and almost believe it will really upset her if she is not there for the birth especially since I plan to labor mostly at home. Any suggestions or thoughts? Experiences?