My husband is an angel.


I have to take a minute to tell everyone about my most awesome, loving sweetheart of a best friend and husband.

I am 11 wks tomorrow. I have been so naseaus that I have been miserable. It's been for the last month and a half. Almost non stop except for maybe 5 or 6 days (not in a row). My sinuses are absolutely ruined. And now my throat hurts and I've developed a funky cough. I've had really bad insomnia, which doesn't help in any way.

Anyway, my husband gets up for work between 2:00-2:30 in the morning. He gets home at about 2:00 in the afternoon. Since everything makes me ill, he has been coming home and making dinner for me and the family. He has run to the store for me when I felt like something might sound good. He doesn't complain when I come to bed and lay down while he makes dinner either. He never complains for even a second and he even texts me during the day and tells me to take it easy.

I love him so much. I am so happy we came together and started a family. I owe him a whole lotta back rubs and special dinners (plus some other stuff. *wink wink*). As soon as this baby gives me my tummy back.

Thanks for listening. :-)