Maybe is the time of my MIRACLE!

GOD bless you! I got prego this year. I was so excited because it was my first child. Little did I know that my happiness will become tears. I lost my baby at 9 weeks into my pregnancy. My baby's heart stop beating. Months (with the approval of my doctor I started having sexual relations with my hubby) I received good news I was pregnant again! I was so happy this time twins, but the only thing that form was the 2 little sacks. I lost my babies. I waited until my doctor said it was ok. They did some lab works came back and everything is fine with me. My doctor once again gave me the ok to try. I feel that I may be pregnant again since I have always very early signs. I have been praying more for my health because my main goal is to serve GOD during te ministry of helping the ones in need in the streets. I forgot about my special petition of becoming a mother and just concentrated in serving my awesome GOD. I went to a church service and the pastor started praying for a woman that was asking for a baby (they don't know me in that church) I knew in my spirit it was me... I know for someone like me that has endure lost people will doubt that GOD can do a miracle but I have faith that HE has seen my pain and will restore! I know that I will be the mother that I always wanted to be... Please help me with prayers!